02-Sep Download BULLETINS All of the BULLETINS can be downloaded for reading OFFLINE! Save your online time by downloading the bulletins from the BULLETIN menu. At the prompt, just choose "A" for ALL the bulletins. /***/ 02-Sep HOST Suggestions If you have any suggestions for making HOST a more "User Friendly" system, please leave me a note giving me your ideas. With more and more user's now starting to use HOST, we need to give Bo all the suggestions we can to help make it even better. /***/ 28-SEP New HOST Menu's We've been busy! Our menu's have been re-designed to present a more eye pleasing screen to our user's. Now, the basic HOST color scheme is maintained throughout HOST. All commands remain the same, just a different look. /***/ 25-Oct DOOR Games Available We now have several DOOR's available for use ONLINE! Now, play TRADEWARS, LORD, CONCENTRATION, BINGO, FRESH WATER FISHING and more via our HOST System. Choose #2 from the MAIN MENU to access the DOOR MENU. Enjoy! /***/ 08-Nov InterBBS GAMES Available We now have 2 of the most popular InterBBS Games, BRE and LORD. Both are participating in International League play, with some of the best players. Are you up to the challange? Can you play with the best? Choose [2] from the MAIN MENU to access ALL the new GAMES! /***/ 09-Nov Use our VOTING BOOTH! Please visit our new VOTING BOOTH to help us make Terminate and HOST even better! Easy to use and, you can add your own comments as well. Choose [2] from the MAIN MENU, then select 1 for Our VOTING BOOTH. /***/ 10-Dec New TERMINATE enters Beta The next generation of TERMINATE has entered the Beta phase! Many great inprovements that includes a 2-way mailer so HOST can now SEND and RECEIVE Mail/Files automatically! Stay tuned for news of many new features. /***/ 27-DEC New BBS List DOOR We are participating in the development of a new BBS Listing Door that will work very well with Terminate's HOST Mini-BBS System. As soon as we re-build the database, it will be placed ONLINE and available for use by ALL user's. Be sure to check it out. Select [2] from the MAIN MENU then [2] for the list. /***/ 27-Dec New USER Reminder Just a reminder... If you logged in without your FULL REAL NAME, real phone numbers and address, YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE DELETED! There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. /***/ 03-Jan New HOST Enters BETA The new HOST Mini-BBS has entered the BETA phase and will soon be placed online here. Several new features have been added to make HOST even more enjoyable to use. I will post an announcement when we place it online. /***/ 10-Jan HOST v4.10a19 is ONLINE! The latest version of HOST Mini-BBS is now ONLINE and ready for use! While still in Alpha, it isn't available to the general public but IS available for use here. Please let me know if you have any problems and what you were doing when the problem occured. Thanks. /***/ 24-Jan New TERMAIL Features The new TERMAIL that will be in the next version of Terminate will include; Builtin Golded/Qedit Compatable Editor, Golded Compatable Color, Most of the features of TMNice will be included, Mouse Support, Ability to call your Internet Browser, Supports Internet E-Mail and much, much more. /***/ 26-Jan New TERMINATE Features The next generation of Terminate (currently in Alpha testing), will include several new features including; 2-way Mailer to Send/Receive calls from other Mailers, Builtin File Request Processor, More Internet Compatability, Additional features for HOST, Event Timer plus much, much more. Stay tuned... /***/ 02-Feb More NEW Features Please visit the BULLETIN Menu [B] from the MAIN MENU, for information on our system as well as a lot more. You can now DOWNLOAD ALL the BULLETINS, including our BBSLIST (Bulletin #10). Help files for using HOST are also available in the Bulletin Menu. /***/ 12-Feb The READER Now REGISTERED! Now, you can Read/Reply/Download messages via the READER Door Option [1] from the MAIN MENU. As time goes on, we will be adding more message areas to The READER for your use. If you wish to use an echo we DON'T have available, leave us a note and we'll see about getting it. /***/ 12-Feb New BBSLIST now Available! We have released the new BBSLIST door for most BBS's this morning. It is available as BBSL30.ZIP from here (BBS DOORS & UTILS Directory) as well as from most other well stocked BBS's. If you run a HOST system, you NEED this door! /***/ 18-Feb Upgraded TerHOST Mini-BBS. We've upgraded our TerHOST to the latest version that adds a few new features, the most important of which is additional protocols. Now, if you like HS/Link for example, you can use it plus others, in TerHOST. More features are in the works.....stay tuned! /***/ 22-Feb New BATCH Downloading.. As the testing of the new TERMINATE continues, so does it's features. Now, you can MARK files for BATCH DOWNLOADING. When listing files and you see a files you want, hit [M] then type in the name of the file you want to get. When you return to the MAIN Menu, you can D/L all your marked files. /***/ 28-Feb Now in Beta! The "next version" went BETA today! That means we're getting closer to releasing a new version to the public. All the new "HOST" features are available here. More features, more colors, larger message base, plus a host of additional new features. Stay tuned...... /***/ 12-Mar New TerHOST Mailer... New TERMINATE 2-way mailer is now in use here. We are still using ALLFIX with TerHOST to send and receive files via FIDOnet and our own TFN File Distribution Network. We will be using Terminate's mailer on WEEKENDS from now on until the new version is released to the public. /***/ 11-Apr SETUP HELP FILES Upgrade We are updating our Terminate/TerHOST/Termail Setup Help Files, that will include several screen shots with step by step instructions that will be much easier to follow. We hope to release it within a week of the next Terminate version being released. /***/ 07-May New T-TUTOR in Beta The new version of T-TUTOR, the Online Hypertext Help file for Terminate entered the Beta phase this week. In addition to Terminate/Termail help, it will include TerHOST and it's add ons plus a WIN95 section. We are proud to say we wrote the TerHOST section that has been included. /***/ 11-May ALLFIX v5 for Wildcat The next version of ALLFIX for Wildcat entered it's Beta session this week as well. Many new features including the ability to send/receive files over the Internet. Stay tuned for news about the DOS version. As you may know, we use both here at A POINTLESS CONNECTION. /***/ 16-May ALLFIX v5 for DOS The next version of ALLFIX for DOS entered it's Beta phase this week as well. One of the most exciting new features is DIRECT SUPPORT for TerHOST! Now, Terminate's HOST Mini-BBS ia supported by the Premier File Echo Manager. This version also features Internet support. Stay tuned.... /***/ 26-May DCT Doors Distributor We have been named as an OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTOR for the excellent DCT series of BBS Doors, many of which are being used with our TerHOST System. All current releases will be available in File Area # 23. /***/ 03-Jun Now Running Windows95 We have installed Windows 95 on our BBS machine and are currently running TerHOST under it. If you experience ANY problems, please let us know. This is our first attempt at using ANY version of Windows and we're on a sharp learning curve to get it right. /***/ 22-Jul Doors OffLine Until I can find the reason why Windows is causing problems with Doors, the Door and CD-ROM Menu's are CLOSED and not available. All doors work fine in DOS but not in WIN95, so it's NOT a Terminate problem. The Doors will be back as soon as I find the "fix". /***/ 01-Aug T-DAY! The NEW Terminate v5.0 is here! Many of the features you've been seeing in our Alpha/Beta/Gamma versions are now available for all to enjoy. Download 500TER.EXE or 500TER.ZIP and see what you've been missing! /***/